Demystify Innovation and Growth Strategy

June 27, 2022
Urquhart Wood

Demystify Innovation and Growth Strategy

If you want to be successful at innovation and growth, you must understand these 5 truths:

1.  Innovation is not inherently risk and messy. The way most organizations go about understanding their target customers’ unmet needs is risky and messy. By dramatically reducing “market risk” (i.e., the risk that people won’t buy what you make), you can dramatically increases innovation success rates.

2.  New product innovation is not the same thing as creativity. At a high level, innovation is a two-step process: first, discover your target customers’ unmet needs, then develop solution ideas to address them (i.e., apply your creativity to the target customers’ unmet needs). The best creativity trigger is a well-defined customer need.

3.  Customers can tell us what they want if we ask them what they want to accomplish rather than asking them for product or service specifications.

4.  The key to innovation success is to shift your focus away from generating ideas and away from understanding “the customer” to understanding the job(s) they’re trying to accomplish, how they measure success, and where they struggle given their current product or service solution.

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