What 3 Clients Have in Common What do an online university, an off-road vehicle manufacturer, and a yearbook publisher have in common? For one, all of them were clients of ours in 2019. We are grateful for their trust and the “word of mouth” referrals that brought them to us. We have enjoyed the collaboration …
Could This Change the Game for You? Are you tired of implementing growth initiatives that don’t work? Did you know that the number one cause for new product and new business failure is misunderstanding customers’ needs? This has been the case for decades, but it is totally unnecessary today. You don’t have to play a “game of …
3 Lessons Leaders Can Learn from Physicians In a 2016 McKinsey poll, 84% of global executives acknowledged that innovation is extremely important to growth strategy, yet only a mere 6% are satisfied with their performance, and very few know what to do about it. Here are three things that leaders can do about it, three …
To Be Innovative, You Must Look into the Future Definition of a market: “A market is a place where two parties can gather to facilitate the exchange of goods and services.” — Investopedia Notice that this definition is based on existing products and services. It should be no surprise then that many executives try to size the …
How to Validate a New Offering People Don’t Know They Need Contrary to popular opinion, it is not good science to run experiments by testing minimally viable products to discover customer needs and validate the solution. Why? Because this conflates two experiments and can invalidate both. In good science, the customer need is validated first, …
Why Your Business Needs a “Customer Analysis” to Beat the Competition Most leaders agree that obtaining competitive information is essential for developing an effective strategy. Gaining competitive intelligence is often viewed as similar to gaining military intelligence. The big difference, however, is that in capitalism we are fighting to earn the business of customers. In …
How to Differentiate, Innovate and Grow With Confidence If you want to differentiate, innovate and grow with a new product success rate > 80%, then listen to this lively podcast in which Gary Monti of the Center Managing Change interviews Urko about the jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) innovation process. There is a lot more to JTBD than …
Innovation and Creativity are Different Innovation and creativity are different. Innovation brings the target customers’ unmet needs and the company’s solution capabilities into the same room. Creativity then makes connections and generates winning ideas. Unless your innovation process discovers and ranks target customers’ unmet needs and then brings good solution capabilities to bear upon them, your …
Thoughts on Last Week’s JTBD Workshop Many thanks to GBQ Partners for hosting and Darci Congrove, Managing Director, for participating in our jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) workshop. After I laid out the basics of the JTBD approach, people doubled up to do an application exercise and report back to the large group. The session was then capped …
Reveal unmet needs. Create unique value. Drive revenue growth. If you’re in Columbus OH in the afternoon of October 9th, join Darci Congrove, Managing Director of GBQ Partners, and me for an interactive workshop designed for CEOs and Presidents of business-to-business companies. This is a rare opportunity to see how over 400 of the Fortune …
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