Accelerate Innovation Success

Increase Innovation Success Rates

Today’s most widely adopted innovation processes – Agile, Design Thinking and Lean Startup – have brought rigor and process to innovation. But confusion about how to uncover opportunities before prototyping has remained. We know how to reveal the best opportunities in any given market, dramatically increase success rates, increase the likelihood of breakthrough innovation and growth, and quicken the time to market.

We know how to find target customers’ most important unsatisfied needs. (See the video How We Reveal Opportunities for Growth, 2nd from top of the “What We Do” page). The customer needs that we obtain for our corporate clients are ideal for innovation and growth. This is because we capture the criteria that customers use to measure the value of an offering, not their ideas about the offering itself. These criteria are ideal for generating breakthrough ideas, guiding the development of new and improved offerings, and creating a tight fit between what customers want and what an offering actually delivers.