A Beautiful Illustration About What Customers Want

December 13, 2021
Urquhart Wood

A Beautiful Illustration About What Customers Want

Most business leaders are looking for ways to create unique value for their target customers to differentiate and grow. But how do you create unique value in a repeatable manner? Is it even possible?

Yes, it is possible, but you must understand what a customer “need” really is and how to discover your target customers’ important unsatisfied needs. These are your opportunities for innovation and growth and they exist in every market.

If you are not proactively finding and addressing your target customers’ important unsatisfied needs, then you are inevitably wasting time and resources addressing their unimportant and/or already well-satisfied needs.

Customer “needs” are the functional, emotional, and social jobs they are trying to get done with your product and/or service, and the criteria they use to measure success. Customer needs are totally separate and distinct from the product or service solutions people hire or buy to get their jobs done. Do you know what functional, emotional, and social jobs your target customers are trying to get done and how they measure success? There is nothing more important for the continuing success of your organization than knowing this.

Watch this beautiful video to see how different the product is from the functional, emotional and social jobs this man wants to get done. If you are selling your product or service without understanding the jobs people are trying to get done, then you are very vulnerable to competition.

  • Do you want to stop chasing hunches and start acting on facts?
  • Would you like to stop saying, “I think there’s an opportunity here” and start saying “I know there’s an opportunity here.”
  • Are you tired of clogging your new product pipeline with a lot of mediocre ideas and endlessly iterating?
  • Ready to leapfrog the competition?

Get focused on what matters to your target customers most. Schedule a free discovery call with me here to see how we can help you turn innovation and growth into a repeatable business process.

Reveal needs. Create value. Drive growth.

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